Solo and two-person exhibitions:
2019 Steve Baker: Fieldwork, curated by Maria Lux, solo exhibition as Artist in Residence at Animal Remains: Biennial Conference of the Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre, University of Sheffield, UK, April. Catalogue: ISBN 978-1-5272-4037-7.
2017 Steve Baker & Mike Dodd: Trees and Other Objects, two-person exhibition, Fairhurst Gallery, Norwich, UK, June – August. Book: ISBN 978-0-9935572-2-4.
Artwork in selected group exhibitions:
2022 The Arborealists: Trees and the Sacred, The Hostry, Norwich Cathedral, Norwich, UK, April – May 2022, curated by Tim Craven.
2020-21 As Kingfishers Catch Fire: Animals and Imagination, Limerick City Gallery of Art, Ireland, November 2020 – February 2021, curated by Austin McQuinn.
2020 Antonym, Artcore, Derby,UK, November, curated by Ang Bartram and Steve Baker.
2020 The Animal Gaze Constructed, The Cass, London Metropolitan University, London, UK, February – March, curated by Rosemarie McGoldrick.
2019 Otherlings, Artcore, Derby, UK, October – November, curated byPaula McCloskey and Ang Bartram.
2019 Collaborative project with Mike Dodd for Cley 19: Borderlines, 14th-century church of St Margaret of Antioch, Cley, Norfolk, UK, July – August, curated by Dyad Creative.
2019 Radical Landscapes: Innovation in Landscape and Language Art, Plough Gallery, Great Torrington, Devon, UK, March – April, curated by Camilla Nelson.
2018 Cley 18: The Greater the Distance the Clearer the View, 14th-century church of St Margaret of Antioch, Cley, Norfolk, UK, uly – August, curated by Caroline Fisher.
2018 Inheritance, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Norwich, UK, March – May, curated ny Amanda Geitner.
2018 Remembering Animals: Rituals, Artifacts and Narratives in Contemporary Art, Main Art Gallery, CSUN, Northridge, CA, USA, February – March, curated by Julia Schlosser. Catalogue: ISBN 978-0-692-06481-8.
2017 Members’ Show 2017, OUTPOST Gallery, Norwich, UK, November – December, curated by Andy Holden.
2017 Collaborative project with Amy Cutler for In the Open, SIA Gallery, Sheffield, UK, September, curated by Judith Tucker.
2017 Touching on Science, three-person exhibition with Juanjo Guerra and Geoffrey Lefever, at the annual symposium of the Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (CEPAMS), Dunston Hall, Norfolk, UK, March curated by Helena Golanó.
2017 Co-Existence, at the Seeing with Animals conference, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, USA, March, curated by Julia Schlosser. Catalogue: ISBN 978-0-9987688-0-9.
2015 Cley 15: Marvellous in Ordinary, 14th-century church of St Margaret of Antioch, Cley, Norfolk, UK, July – August, curated y Meryl Doney.
2015 What Does Art Add?: Figuring the More-than-Human World, City Without Walls (cWOW), Newark, New Jersey, USA, March – April, curated by Janell O’Rourke and Kathryn Eddy.
2014-15 Arche Noah: Über Tier und Mensch in der Kunst, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund, Germany, November 2014 – April 2015, curated by Katja Knicker and uirt Wettengl. Catalogue: ISBN 978-3-925998-56-0.
2014 Ecce Animalia, Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, Orońsko, Poland, March – June, curated by Dorota Łagodzka and Leszek Golec. Catalogue: ISBN 978-83-85901-99-0.
2013 The Animal Gaze Returned, Sheffield Institute of the Arts Gallery, Sheffield, August – September, curated by Chloe Brown, Robert McKay and Rosemarie McGoldrick.
2013 Cley 13: The Flight of the Spoonbill, 14th-century church of St Margaret of Antioch, Cley, Norfolk, UK, July – August, curated by Ian Sarsmore.
2013 Forever and Ever (four-person exhibition), Town House Museum and Gallery, Dunbar, East Lothian, UK, May – June, curated by Andrea Roe.
2012 Us and Them: Umwelten, Project Space, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, May – June, curated by Catherine Clover and Jen Rae.
2011 The Animal Gaze Returned, Cass Gallery, London Metropolitan University, UK, October – November, curated by Rosemarie NcGoldrick.
2011 Salthouse 11: Ad limina, 15th-century church of St Nicholas, Salthouse, Norfolk, UK, July – August, curated by Laura Williams.
2010 Standing Heat, The Front, New Orleans, USA, November – December, curated by Lee Deigaard and Holly Hughes.
2005 Collaborative project with Edwina Ashton for Animal Nature, Regina Gouger Miller Gallery, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, August – October, curated by Lane Hall, Lisa Moline and Jenny Strayer. Catalogue: ISBN 0-9972053-0-4.
Critical commentary on artwork:
2017 Amanda Geitner, “Foreword,” in Steve Baker & Mike Dodd: Trees and Other Objects (Norwich: Singular Publishing). ISBN 978-0-9935572-2-4.
2016 Jane C. Desmond, Displaying Death and Animating Life: Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science, and Everyday Life (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press), pp. 142, 152-54 and 169. ISBN 978-0-226-14406-1.
2015 L.A. Watson, “Remains to be seen: Photographing ‘road kill’ and The Roadside Memorial Project,” in Economies of Death: Economic Logics of Killable Life and Grievable Death, ed. P. Lopez and K.A. Gillespie (London and New York: Routledge). ISBN 978-1-13-880576-7.
2013 Jane C. Desmond, “Requiem for roadkill: Death and denial on America’s roads,” in Environmental Anthropology: Future Directions, ed. H. Kopnina and E. Shoreman-Ouimet (New York: Routledge), pp. 46-58 (esp. pp. 50-53). ISBN 978-0-415-51748-5.
2012 Julia Schlosser, “Anhalten, sehen: Die Körper überfahrener Tier in der Arbeit Steve Bakers,” Tierstudien, no. 2: special issue on “Tiere auf Reisen,” ed. J. Ullrich, pp. 84-96. ISSN 2193-8504.
2012 Giovanni Aloi, Art & Animals (London and New York: I.B. Tauris), pp. 132-34. ISBN 978-1-84885-525-0.
2011 Susan McHugh, “Stains, drains and automobiles: A conversation with Steve Baker about Norfolk Roadkill, Mainly,” Art and Research: A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods, 4, no. 1: special issue on “Art and animality,” ed. R. Broglio, unpaginated. ISSN 1752-6388.